packrafting wind river range


Packrafting is an adventurous way to move through Alaska's Arctic. Marty was swift water rescue trained, as was boater #3. 20 Days of Backpacking & Packrafting the Brooks Range in Alaska - Aqua Bound Colorado Outward Bound instructors, Noah Larsen and Arthur Shain, took on Alaska's Brooks Range for a 400-mile packraft and backpack expedition in August. Once born, his explorations have taken him all over the west, but especially the canyon country of the Colorado Plateau. Refine your skills before committing to a day of it. I see you were using the Wild Oasis. Check Price at Amazon. Google Earth, GaiaGPS, topo maps and more. The paddler was in their 70s, and it is suspected that their paddle leash snagged the debris. He was paddling down the fjord during a multi-day trip. Its perhaps one of the best ways to practice presence and to learn to notice. $7,800 Beginning high in the tundra, the Wind River flows beneath limestone spires, past glacial lakes, and finally through the boreal forests of northern Alaska. To the degree possible, these incidents were used to inform the content of The Packraft Handbook. I like my TorsoLite-under-a-rain-jacket the most, until I can find (or make) something better than the Stearns model. More Alaska reading is available from our Bookstore. Some may question whether it was worth lugging a 6lb boat, ~2lb paddle, ~1lb life jacket in addition to my backpacking gear up 3,000 feet of rugged mountains to 11,000 feet to float out the green river for half a day, but I believe it was. Topographically, Broad Pass is a fascinating area. The Wind River lies in the northern half of the Yukon Territory, Canada just south of the Arctic Circle. He had a perimeter line in addition to bow and stern painters. The vastness of the wilderness virtually demanded that I go see it. The analogy that comes to mind is going back to using cloths line to "protect" climbing routes becaues of it's handling characteristics while in your pack. You mention "a few weeks back", and "fall colors". Home Forums Campfire Photo Gallery Packrafting Wind Rivers 4/15/07. You base camp on the river and paddle a different section each day. I was appalled on a trip with outfitters in Alaska where we were told your raingear will be fine. No, it was a swiftwater river between lakes at the Jokullsarlon Lagoon. ", "That feeling of wide open wonder, the possibilities for nearly limitless wandering, and the image of those proud caribouthat will stay with me a long time", "Our guide was an encyclopedia on legs. Very speculative, but a nearby airport reported SE wind gusts of 44 km/h (27 mph) on the 25th. Summary is it was fantastic and my favorite packaraft adventure of 2016 for sure. Damn brother. 5. Recommend bringing a fishing rod for the slow meandering sections. Come to Wind River Country, and enjoy the magic of our mountain water. 6hrs round trip. A man was found submerged under a packraft, trapped in an undercut rock, mid-river. Much more comfortable than I was expecting. American Whitewater Incident ReportJohn Quimby, personal communication. Check Price at Amazon. Many of the creeks, like the Dinwoody, have wonderful floatable sections. The Wind River Range is one of America's great wilderness areas! Saw another packraft on the lower lake with a fisherman inside, excellent fishing on the Green R. too. Wind River Canyon Whitewater and Fly Fishing. Anybody out there find the lightest foam-filled PFD? Mostly Class II. Queenstown man killed in rafting accident was passionate about wildlifeRiver description: Caples River. You mentioned to me in an email that you have terrific guides - you do indeed. I noticed a swim in one of his videos where he holds onto the boat by looping an arm through the deck combing, so that might have played a factor in his fatal swim as well. I packarafted a small area of the wind river range last July (2016) at the green river lakes trail head/ campground. In Alaska, I urge people to consider the cost of the drysuit as part of the packraft purchase price. Waters with > Class 3 or strainers etc. He was always willing and ready to teach, to talk, to listen, to do another hike, or to lie low in camp if we were beat. All recordings are now online! This run is indeed a packrafting classic. Can we expect a review? However, as the water makes its way out of the mountains it negotiates deep granite gorges. Pretty depressing to see fatalities related to no-PFD. Martin had considerable experience. The classic Alaskan boots we were given were a source of concern, as well. I stretched the neck gasket over a large muscle-milk container for a day or two and it was still just a little tight. MODIS, Sentinel 1&2, Landsat, Google Earth, ESRI, etc. 1080p HDI crossed the Brooks Range from the valley of the Hulahula river on the north to Arctic Village on the south side.Packrafting in the Gates of the Arc.