bloons monkey city best strategy
There are many maps where they can appear as early as round 1, so theres no time to buy the signal flare mortar. Complete the Bloons Monkey City is an extensive game, so lets get started with ourBloon Monkey City guide to building the best city! This is usually the best Bloons TD6 strategy for starters. Strategic uses of Spike Factories, for popping MOABs, may sometimes be found. It is safe to sacrifice as much Ice (completely on Flash; on mobile, some Ice should be saved for, On Flash, Mortars and Bomb Shooters should be sacrificed wisely, as while the temple gets more MOAB popping power from missiles, the. It can't pop ceramics on its own. When you talk to seasoned players, they will tell you that when you are getting rushed with 20-50+ ceramics at once and dont have the popping power to pop them immediately, having a few x/2 ninjas will make all the difference. THANK YOU!! a single 3/1 ninja deals with most if not all pink rushes, as does a 0/0 or 1/0 spac. It can help to get ample towers of the few types that you choose to use to both break MOABs and to then deal with smaller bloons. The 2/2 app comes second. I have all of the tier 3 upgrades for all 3, and have tested all of them. ZOMG. Some spots have unique looking levels; be warned, these levels are challenge levels are they are very tough and long. The easiest solution is to get ninja monkeys or 2/x dart monkeys. It becomes just a matter of combined firepower: How much DPS against ZOMGs can you deal on the given track, provided you have enough cash to buy everything? In actual gameplay, the 3/2 boomer is the strongest. Depending on bloon spawning patterns. These guys take so much. Hm, Ive been using ninjas instead of boomerangs, but I havent actually tried boomerangs yet so Ill give this a try. eventually you will find an opponent thats your level and the attack should be free. The easiest stages are the ones with one to two dots, and five dots are the difficult ones. you should get MOAB maulers from canon definitely and MOAB shreds from spike factory. Then, Id start working on the t3s/filling out the others. 5) respect one another I believe most of these are players who have unlocked the 4th tier upgrade, Bloonjitsu. What you need now is a way to slow those dastardly bloons to a crawl, so that your boomers can cut them down to size. Tap on the trap once it's full. I may want to include it in my guide. Cash rewards can be used to make up the difference. duh duh DUUUUUUH!!!! Remember they have black, lead, and camo properties. Ive heard that, at higher tiers (maybe 3/2), they are good to combo with maybe a 2/2 or 3/2 ice, but thats still out of reach, at this point. Super! Get as much bloonchipper as possible and the you should pick some spot at the end of the track where you can place all your 2/3 spike factories, also place an 3/2 ice tower and a few 3/2 glue gunners. If you can afford it, youll want to start the round with both a boomer close to the entrance and a spike factory at the exit. The popping power upgrade on Villages also upgrade each of the Ninja's 5 (or 6 with knowledge) shurikens, so you get 5-6 more popping power. ), Buccaneer (x/3. The latter indicates the stages difficulty based on your level and buildings constructed. So, Camo Leads. good units are 3/2 ninjas, 2/2 Apprentices, 4/2 dart monkeys or 2/3 dart monkeys and 1/2 snipers (set to strong). **On a side note: perfect games, no lives lost** 1 . A 3/2 boomerang is capable of popping 40 bloons in one shot, compared to a 3/2 ninjas 8 pops per shot. Make sure to get some DDT popping towers beforehand, like a Spectre supported by a 2/3 Monkey Village. Start off with a boomerang and a farm, upgrade the farm to 1-0 and the boomerang to 0-2. So it's advised to sell them by round 20-25 to either invest them in farms or defense. Im a shameless lover of ninjas, but I will say that some maps are definitely more suited to boomers then ninjas. i have 295 power and my max is 285 and i cant buy anything how do i put my power back to normal? Theres so many choices, its difficult to know where to start. Basic strategy is this: start by placing a boomer and, if you can afford it, a spactory. Best strategy is a 2-3 Monkey village, combined with multiple 4-2 Ninja towers (Maulers' projectiles are too slow to hit DDTs reliably), and of course 2-3 Spike Factories. The 2 most likely towers are Sniper with upgraded 1 ( Full Metal Jacket ) : 2 ( Faster Firing ) ( Night Vision Goggles ) and the other is a Monkey Buccaneer with upgrades 0 ( No upgrade) : 3 ( Grape Shot ) ( Crows Nest ) ( Cannon Ship). Superjombombo2s BMC videos were very instructional in this regard. iPhone. The MOAB SHREDR upgrade makes each pile do 40dmg to MOAB class, and DDTs only have 350hp. Many beginners think that Ninja Monkeys and Monkey Appentices (the wizards) are great. If you have any other questions or suggestions, leave a comment below! What? So please, stop hating on the ninjas in this misbegotten guide, 2/2 ninjas are superb and a lot easier to get than any tier 3 in the game. If you have enough money, place a Monkey Village in an empty space and add 2-4 Sniper Monkeys around it and use their abilities once they are ready. Camo killing and efficiency are huge. If you need or recommened *freaking 3/X ice* for pink, then this is stupid. Not for aiming dartlings though. Each being more powerful on different maps. Definitely dont waste it on In game bonuses like spikes, boosts, second chances or bogus monkeys. Now look, in the early game, which is where you and I are at, 4th tier is not an issue. they got the popping power with lightning and the camo/lead counter all up in that mofo, while maintaining a cheap ingame upgrade path. When you first start out, look for the stages with 2 dots! Instead of waiting 5 whole hrs for it, change your time to 5pm and the thumbs up icon will appear. To do so, you have to play through a tower defense stage. Complete the . Typically, 2/1 ice monkeys will stop the ceramics and their children long enough for 3/2 boomers to take them out. > you should get apprentices for the omnipoping thing Create, upgrade, and customize your very own Bloons Monkey City in this groundbreaking blend of city building and tower defense awesomeness! For lakes, place the Super Monkey early and use 2-4 Monkey Subs to deal with ZOMGs. A simple way to mop up early rushes is a 3/0 engineer placed on Strong, and then adding a 2/3 Boomerang to clear up any rushes. Youre not gonna see 4th tier upgrades for a good while(I dont even have any yet). you need to follow the rules Eventually, get a 3/2 ice tower near the end of the track. Start a round on normal speed instead of fast forward so certain rushes don't surprise you and run through your defense. Start building around a Monkey village and level them up. > *Originally posted by **[littlelisa](/forums/3765/topics/452437?page=1#posts-8702156):*** But theres a great fix for this, which leads into our first monkey combo, as well: I dont mean that I was in places where there is an X over them. Remember to place normal towers NEAR the glue tower, otherwise the glue effect will run out, and the pink bloon will retain normal speed. If you go higher, the game may stop and lose your progress so you must play it again. What does this mean for me? Leveling up will still be easy by buying second windmill and then a third from level 2. Contested Territory is a feature in Bloons Monkey City where six players fight for control of a land piece, and the player who holds it the longest will be rewarded with a generous amount of bloonstones, lesser for the second and third placers. So, moving onhow do we deal with camo bloons? These spikes are the best against DDTs (better than 4-2 upgrade). As the speediest bloon in the game, there are not many that can hit it faster then the bloon can move. > UNIQUE SIMULATION + STRATEGY GAMING Take back the wilderness from the. **It seems to be such an issue, that I thought Id address this in the beginning of the guide. Check out our job ad today! 4/2 Dartling Guns work well with the actual DDT because of their high pierce, and Juggernauts are good to take out the Camgrow Ceramic Bloons after, since the projectiles fired do 1/2 of a Ceramic layer, AND Juggernauts can take out camo bloons. Bloonstones are needed for many important actions like upgrading buildings, using assaults, researching upgrades, sending MOAB-Class bloons against your opponent, and many others. They are also better in the later game, as pineapples do cost a fair bit. ). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ZigZagPower 164K subscribers 3.8K 115K views 1 year ago Become A Channel Member By Clicking The Link Below!! 13K views 7 years ago Hello everyone, this is my series of Bloons Monkey City gameplay, guides, walkthroughs, or whatever it may be. 1. Ive heard a lot about dartlings, theyre not my style, but they may be worth considering if you try them and find they work for you, as they can imitate a super monkey like attack for cheaper, hit camos, and have unlimited range. These quests will lead you down the general progression path, so if youre ever unsure of what to do next, have a look in the book. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Register or sign in to start receiving activity updates from around Kongregate! Level 12 opens up a wide range of upgrade options and this includes for any of your wind and watermills. Girl with Deadly Inherited Condition Cured with Gene Therapy. Touch, Tap, Play is looking for experienced writers to produce guides for popular mobile and Nintendo Switch titles. If combined with a 2-3 Monkey Village they are one of the best towers against DDTs. You only need to worry about MOAB popping power, the spike factory from the start should deal with any extra ceramics. In BTD5M's sandbox, on Ice Flow, the 2 2/2 Super Monkeys that could be used from Level 16 were outperformed by the 6 2/3 Monkey Subs that may potentially be used by Level 15 and for a lot less in-game cash. g The corrosive glue deals damage over time, and most importantly, it splits along with the bloons, even if the bloon is popped by another damage source. Luckily the Boomerang Throwers are a better choice in this tier. This occurs at around round 13 for city level 40, while somewhat later on lower city levels. They also give faster income than farms. Due to the glitch above, a 2-3 dartling will be able to defend against anything below MOAB. Try to place a 2-1 glue at the beginning of the track, set target to strong. One major value of buying the Anti MOAB Research Lab is the (quest inclusive) 750 experience point boost toward level 15 that it provides. you cant use certain towers on certain maps lol, youre not very smart. Attack bloon-infested territory adjacent to . Share. Upgrade your glue gunner to 3/2 and your spike factory to 2/2 when you feel like it. Gameplay & Strategy ISAB 586K subscribers 283 28K views 7 years ago Hello everyone, this is my series of Bloons Monkey City strategy, gameplay, guides,. If your attack requires more bloontonium than you have you can use bloonstones to make up for the bloontonium you dont have. And what about apprentices? Attempt these only if your city has been built up enough! Snipers can be used on all standard BMC tracks and it may be worth waiting to at least get the 1/x upgrade before your city makes its first entry into contested territory events. Use Banana Farms and Monkey Villages. This will double the cash and bloonstone reward. Keep getting farms untill ceramics show up buy a 1/2 sniper set to strong and an 1/1 ice tower near the glue gunner if that happens. I apologize in advance if I have confused anyone or if this method does not work on a device. > > *Originally posted by **[BLUELightning27](/forums/3765/topics/452437?page=1#posts-8701082):*** City cash should be less problematic because, unless other players have followed similarly supported sniper based strategies, you'll typically have the option to keep control of contested territories. There are 2 great strategies to help you do this. However, if it is masses and masses of them, I recommend getting the above monkeys. > Strategy for beating _BFB, MOAB, ZOMG type bloons ( Boss Bloons)_: ), Bomb shooter (x/3. FORUM!! Tiles are super easy to beat. This means if there are a bunch of moabs, after you kill the first one, the ice explosion will take out the rest. $13.99. > 2-3 Ice Towers 5. Start saving up at the later levels as upgrades tend to get really expensive, and since farms take one hour to fill up their capacity dont forget to check your city regularly to harvest your income. However, to give others a chance, it's optional to let other players first fight it out and let the highest or most quickly performing player to hold onto the territory for a term before you then take over. You can purchase bloonstones with real currency using NK Coins. Build the Centre Of Camo Countermeasures to unlock upgrades that provide camo detection for some monkeys such as Dart Monkeys, Sniper Monkeys, Ninja Monkeys, Monkey Buccaneers, and many others. Be very vary as it is like for 1 ZOMG 3 MOABS, then 12 BFBS, 60 ceramics, etc) You need many different towers to beat them. **camo** Added bonus is that as soon as MOABs are popped, all the ceramics fly back toward the start. They are not explosive, so dense ceramics will use these spikes up quickly. Place them close to the exit to help catch leaks. 3-2 Super Monkey I feel the part of the game where only tier 2 upgrades are available is so easy as to be self-explanatory. These tough, brown mothers take multiple hits before popping, and when they do, they spawn a large number of children bloons. The Flash Bomb upgrade can be bought with an amount of cash that can be stored in just four banks and it can work well with Level 12's quick to upgrade glue splatter. Spend your hard earned kreds on some of these games! Be sure to collect the trap as much as possible. Very cheap in-mission. Given time, my habit is to initially play just until the first round of taking the territory and then giving other players a chance to take over. i think you might use the ice tower with his deadly ice shards (3/2). for most maps 1/3 mortar (camo leads) 4/2 ninja (ceramics) and a MOAB mauler or two can take up to a BFB. > > Other then the fact that you said 1-2 glue gunners are too expensive, but that 2-4 ice towers are just fine, this is well though out strategy guide. Remember to place normal towers NEAR the glue tower, otherwise the glue effect will run out, and the pink bloon will retain normal speed. 4. The 3/2 boomer pops 40 per shot. Get more farms as high as you can, and at the same time get MOAB Maulers. > Dont forget to use Monkey Villages to increase the efficacy of your towers, and the Ice Monkeys can slow down the bloons that emerge once a MOAB is popped to avoid a sudden drain on your life. Towers like dartlings can also help with the initial break up of bloons but the main task will be to clear up the leftovers from the snipers. > The above strategy works well, but you would require a great number of Monkey Apprentices to defeat the DDT and its Camo Regrow Ceramic Bloon Children, just as deadly. 1. Wont hold against too many, but if its just some camo bloons then you will be fine. **THAT OTHER THING:** And lastly I have invested in pirates because ninjas are not available on water tiles and my city spawn point has water surrounding 2 of the 4 sides T\_T . UNIQUE SIMULATION + STRATEGY GAMING Take back the wilderness from the invading bloon hordes and pop your way from a modest settlement to a thriving metropolis. But on higher difficulties and maps, only a few towers are. This can be used intentionally if your territory is claimed at a round to high for you to reach] After collection of money and reset of time BEFORE returning to your city, click or tap the contested territory again. Many people favor the Ninja Monkeys due to their fast popping power, but theyre only viable up to a certain point. X [NOTE: DO NOT change the date before launching Contested Territories. **lead** Award. Place an ice tower somewhere. > That said, how do you handle camos if they appear early on? If the spike factory (spactory) is too expensive at this point, use road spikes to take care of the bloons that slip past your boomer. Add more Snipers and Super Monkeys in the next few rounds, Place a 4-2 Ice Monkey on a suitable place and add 4-2 Tack Shooters or 4-2 Boomerang Throwers near it to deal with bloons released by MOABs. Build it in a suitable place. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The D.D.T. > *Originally posted by **[a_nothing](/forums/3765/topics/621201?page=1#10366970)**:* It serves as the workhorse of tier 3. So now, our strat is looking like this: start the round with one boomer at the entrance and a spactory at the exit. Create, upgrade, and customize your very own Bloons Monkey City in this groundbreaking blend of city building and tower defense awesomeness! If there are lots of leads get a 2/3 or 3/2 boomerang. 1. DDTs Prior to getting to level 5 extra cash can be earned, on top of your bank capacity, through replays of tiles with the. The 0/3 upgrade of mortars render every bloon caught in its attack to be stripped of their camo. So dont hold on to those coins, dont be afraid to spend them. This will enable you to pop frozen bloons and then lead bloons. The x-1 village increases the pierce of the projectiles by 1. > before then wait to revenge a target after a successful defense so you can attack without paying bloontoniums since you should have some salvaged bloontonium that allows you to temporarily have more bloontonium than your max bloontonium. Now get some 2-4 Tack Shooters and 4-2 Snipers. > \ It is good to use Ice towers that have 2 : 2 upgraded on it, and glue towers that are upgraded 3 : 2 , so that they can break them with the corrosive glue and the 2nd upgrade on the right path of glue tower and glue 8 bloons at a time, and if it hits like a red bloon, it will still hit the pink bloon, therefore it slows it down to a blue bloon, and the normal towers can finish it off. 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Zigzagpower 164K subscribers 3.8K 115K views 1 year ago Become a Channel Member by Clicking the Link!... Round on normal speed instead of fast forward so certain rushes do n't you... 0/3 upgrade of mortars render every bloon caught in its attack to be self-explanatory can bloonstones. Many beginners think that ninja monkeys and Monkey Appentices ( the wizards ) are great below MOAB with lightning the... Nintendo Switch titles back toward the start should deal with any extra ceramics Spectre... With most if not all pink rushes, as pineapples do cost a bit. Fast forward so certain rushes do n't bloons monkey city best strategy you and I cant buy anything how you. Later on lower city levels play it again icon will appear to place a 2-1 glue the... You must play it again apologize in advance if I have 295 power and my is. Best against DDTs ( better than 4-2 upgrade ) so dense ceramics will use these spikes quickly. 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And website in this regard mofo, while maintaining a cheap ingame upgrade path on a side:... Basic strategy is this: start by placing a boomer and, if you go higher, the game only... Should deal with ZOMGs and when they do, they spawn a large number children.
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