mudae bot tips


$setchannel: (admin) Archaic version of $channeldeny. Rename your divorce message. $ima& $ to not search by series overlapping. $setinterval: An admin and a server premium II Changing the exact time of when the claim or rolls are set back up again. $tu - One of the most important commands of Mudae bot is $tu which stands for 'time up'. Divorce half of the harem of everyone in your server. In this case, it can be a waifus or a husband. You can customize your profile and fight against other characters. Get the ID of your account and your server. Having Mudae on your server has a straightforward purpose. Roll a claimed character with a kakera reaction. Reset the set $alias of a user's characters. Some commands can be accessed from another instance: $mm.2, $pr.2, $im.2, $ima.2, $top.2, $mm serv .2. $wishpurge: remove doubles and already claimed characters (or $wpx to purge while keeping wishes for characters claimed by yourself), Use $wishd instead of $wish to instantly delete your message, Use $wishl instead of $wish to lock your wish (effects: not affected by $wp and $wpx), Use $wishk instead of $wish to wish for more kakera (effects: +220 kakera instead of +200 with Silver IV bonus, mentions/DM disabled when the character spawns and not considered as a wish for the wishprotect kakeraloot feature), To remove a series from your $disablelist, use $enable or $enableall. Step 3: After you have picked the server on Discord that you want to use, you can add the Mudae bot to that server and use it. $gamemode: (admin) Change the server game mode. Typing a command without any parameters will also give you even more information (both of these are much easier ways to get help with commands). $randomimg 2: Images are only random for your rolls of UNCLAIMED characters. This cannot be overridden, and these characters cannot be viewed at all. Example: $customcd 10 :chestnut: :deciduous_tree: :chipmunk: $fate @User: Describes the trend between you and the mentioned. Change whether reactions should be automatically added under the rolls during high traffic hours (4am to 11pm PST) for your own rolls. Add -- in front of a text to exclude it from the search. $thanosall requiem: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. Using this command on the currently set alias will show the list of aliases (like $alist). $kakeraup: Time left before you can react again to a kakera. Roll characters you already own and unlock for them: $embedcolor command, additional kakera earnings, increased kakera value and let them join your Soulmate list. $vs: Add a customized sentence when the character wins. As we introduced briefly, Mudae is a bot designed for users to invite to their Discord servers. You can easily invite the Mudae bot from its official website. Users will still be able to change this option for themselves with the command $perstogglereact UNLESS you force this option by adding lock after the command ($togglereact 0 lock). This is the second of the three basic commands. Type $rolls to use it. This will prevent the character or the series from rolling for the whole server (limited to 1000 characters). So this command should be used if you are only interested in collecting waifus for your collection. 60 = one hour interval between each claim (server premium II). $rolls: Vote for Mudae and get a rolls reset ($vote to check). Characters in your wishlist and wishserieslist are not disabled by your $disablelist! It also shows if you can claim a character at the moment or not. This command stands for my marry. ; Go to the website containing the Mudae bot. $toggleclaimrolls: enable/disable the display of claim ranks during the rolls, $togglelikerolls: enable/disable the display of like ranks during the rolls, $togglekakerarolls: enable/disable the display of kakera during the rolls, To remove some characters from the list, use $serverenable , To specify a character when a series shares the same name, use $sdc or $sec, $serverdisablelist ($sdl): see the current list. $beam : Blow up what you hate. After using this command, everyone with this role ID CAN'T USE the commands specified. Also, you can directly invite the Mudae bot with the help of the invite link that I have mentioned below. Along with the roulette, Mudae has a variety of other games and commands that you can use. $topserv lastclaim: ($ts lc) Date of the last claim for each user. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($ha) or game ($hg) male characters to marry to. Change the instance of this channel, creating a second server in your server. We appreciate the Mudae Bot Team for such great documentation and support and all the credits belong to them. For frequently asked questions, especially those which cannot be answered by a single command, see FAQs. Change where the '2 rolls left' message is displayed. $topservv: ($tsv) Server ladder for the harem kakera value. Enable or disable slash commands for your server (enabled by default). $allow to remove a denied command for a role (undo). The 9 million or so discord servers that it is part of make up a lot of what I say. $cleankakera everyone: refund all badges and remove all kakera to all players. $imd for more details during inexact searches. $vote: Help Mudae to entertain mankind and get a free rolls reset. if you want to return the list instead of one series. Add a character to your wishlist, and when the character shows up in the chat, you'll get a notification that says "I want this.". $ima $ for multiple series. $servlimroul: (mode 2, admin) Disable the less popular characters. After the 30 mins, you can again begin with the cool down and then choose your husbandos and waifus. $ds: Add a customized sentence when the character is out. Also $renamedivorce. This feature is unlimited if both the gifter and the receiver spent 8000 kakera on badges (and with this, unlocked multi-trading). $thanos: (admin) Randomly divorce half of a user harem. $kakeracopy : (player premium II) Copy your kakera/kakeraloots/badges on another server, under conditions. Multiplayer game, answer a few random questions or rebus. Join the Mudae bot support community to make full use of the Mudae bot. But it does not end there. There are more than 450+ commands in Mudae both related to customization, moderation, utility, etc. $42ball : Answers to your yes or no questions. Can also work like $sortmarrypos. $togglekakera: (admin) Enable/disable the different means of collecting kakera. Put really common characters in your wishlist and with the 500+ Kakera bonus, that will help. 2. ). $im [character name] In order to view a particular character from your harem, you can use the $im command followed by the name of the character to view their image along with their basic info like their name, which anime or game they are from, how much kakera that particular character is worth, as well as how many times they have been claimed and how many likes they have gained. Characters from Sword Art Online or Rurouni Kenshin, for instance, may appear as waifus or husbandos. Make sure you go through the permission that you are going to authorize, also you can update this permission from the bot setting in discord. Mudae is a discord bot specialized in multiplayer games and anime stuff. $channelrestrict: (admin) Restrict some commands so they can only be used in the current channel. STEP 3: On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot. Divorce all the characters and clean the wishes of someone. Today, Mudae has more than 65,000 "waifus" and "husbandos" who are available for marriage and divorce, and they can be found all over the place. Choose what should be private about your wished characters. $jankenpon @User: Rock-paper-scissors by affinity. The Mudae Bot on Discord is an awesome bot for those who like anime, but new players might get lost in the bot. $randomimg: Randomize images during your rolls. $note: Add a message next to a character in your harem. $togglereact 0: (default value) reactions are only added under public wishes. React quickly with a . DMs an embed with a command list (just like this article). Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters). Change the embed color (side line) of your profile. $beam : Blow up what you hate. Con Mudae en su servidor, terminar usando Discord mucho ms. Add a custom character for your server (1000 max). The descriptions also come from Mudae (the bot itself really is your best guide!). Discord servers are great for websites, internet personalities, and more. Get a DM or don't be mentioned for Bronze/Silver/Emerald bonuses. $likelist: Your list of favorite characters. Use $persrare 0 to return to the server default value. Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 18, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 15, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 10 ($setrolls 13 on some old servers), Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 13, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 10, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 8, Depending on your $togglereact and $perstogglereact options, this base value is lowered by 1 during high traffic hours, which is between 12pm UTC and 7am UTC (PST Time: 4am to 11pm), 120 = two hour interval between each claim (server premium I). In terms of adding other bots and the Mudae Bot, there isn't much difference. After this, you can check your harem again and there that particular character will show up with that custom description. ake sure you go through the permission that you are going to authorize, also you can update this permission from the bot setting in discord. Use $adc or $aec to specify a character in the case a series shares the same name. Use one of the syntaxes below to change how the bot answers when using a command disabled by $channelrestrict, $channeldeny, $restrict or $deny. According to Mudae's official Twitter post: "Mudae has been instantly API banned by Discord, they probably added a new flag tonight to automatically ban spam bots without any check. Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters) for your whole server. Syntax to swap: $cr swap $ , Syntax to reset all your emojis (default emojis will be used again): $cr reset, See your customized list with $kakerareact list, Reset a color to its default value with $kakerareact reset. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($wa) or game ($wg) female characters to marry to. Mudae should now be in your server. As Discord gets older, these bots have become more and more creative. COPYRIGHT_WI: Published on by Elisa Mueller on 2022-07-29T03:00:36.611Z. It has more than 60000 characters from anime, manga, and video games that can be played. .zklaml-1whqzut{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;line-height:100%;top:2px;position:relative;}.zklaml-1whqzut svg{fill:#000;}.zklaml-1mmyqhz{padding:0 8px;top:4px;position:relative;}.zklaml-1mmyqhz svg{fill:#626262;}.zklaml-pr0334{font-family:adobe-garamond-pro,serif;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant-numeric:lining-nums;line-height:1.45;overflow-wrap:break-word;color:black;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;font-variant:all-small-caps;color:#626262;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;}.zklaml-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.zklaml-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;color:#000;}EntertainmentReviews. Arrange the order of the categories for your $tu command. Source: If you have already claimed one recently then it shows how much time is left (the cooldown) before you can claim a new character. $channelhelp: Display this help on the channel. $setrolls: Admins can reduce or increase the number of rolls for the whole server. $channelhelp: Displays the embedded help in the channel instead of in a DM. $kakeradm 0: when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, you will be pinged in the channel (default option), $kakeradm 1: when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, you will only be notified by DM, $kakeradm 2: you won't be notified anymore when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, $togglekakeraserver: disable/enable the kakera system in your server, $togglekakeradivorce: disable/enable the kakera system when using $divorce (characters don't give kakera anymore when divorced), $togglekakeraclaim: disable/enable the involvement of ranks by claims in the calculation of kakera (mostly when using $divorce), $togglekakeralike: disable/enable the involvement of ranks by likes in the calculation of kakera (mostly when using $divorce), $togglekakerareact: disable/enable the kakera reactions on rolls, $togglekakeratrade: enable/disable the kakera trading for your server, $togglekakeradaily: disable/enable the $dailykakera command for your server. Kakera server ladder, showing total earned kakera as well as current kakera. If a character with the same name is introduced to the bot, aliases might need to be changed using this command. Now the users have to claim their waifus and husbandos with the help of commands. Use $firstmarry none to reset this effect. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Everything is added to your current amounts and nothing is removed from both servers. $pr serv 435763044120002561, $colorpr: Change the embed color (side line) of your $pr. Available arguments (type a space after the command and don't type the < >): , , <@User, User ID or User tag>, $mm serv . It shows how many times you can use the gacha to roll for a new character. Also apart from the waifus/husbandos gaming mod, there are 5 mini-games on the bot. $husbando: Random husbando. Change the embed color (side line) of your $mm. Reset your rolls for the current hour (collect them with $vote and $daily). It stands for marry. $fullresetwishes: clean all character/series wishes. $togglesilent 2: When using a disabled command, the bot won't send a message nor react. $firstmarry: Change your favorite character. $randomimg cust 1: Custom images are never displayed when you roll. $m This is one of the three basic commands in Mudae bot. $togglesnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any character rolled can be sniped by anyone. (Not soulkeys). $ql is used to load your list. Completely erase the kakeraloots of someone without refunding. $marry ($m): Basic Mudae commands are lacking this one because it lets you roll any random character from a game or anime into the air and move them around on the ground. Jump down below and start collecting your favorite waifus and husbandos and make the greatest harem of your dreams. Remove a certain amount of keys for a character. $fne $ to also search by tag. It lets users perform the following functions: Marry anime characters with the. If you want to apply the effects for the whole day, add fullday after the command (can be combined with lock). Your list of Soulmates (any characters you've earned at least 10 keys on in any server). You could also turn male characters from anime ($ha) or games ($hg) to find a partner to get married to. This command can be overridden with individual users' $limroul. Or $resetalias for their $alias / $resetimg for their $changeimg, $fullreset: (admin) List of full reset commands (aliases, images, wishes, disablelists, embedcolors, keys). $likeremove : remove a character. $setpermission alias charowner => users can change a spoiler alias for characters they own. $settimer: Administrators can change how long it takes to claim a character. Using this command will change the instance for the current channel. Don't worry about how to use Mudae Bot Discord, leave that to us and continue reading to know . More than 65,000 "husbandos" and "waifus" are currently available for marriage and divorce on Mudae. Use $tsv id to display user IDs. This is a list of the commands used by Mudae. This will force the divorce of an owned character (without giving kakera to the owner). In Gamemode 2 only, you can antidisable individual characters or bundles. Then, imagine the story $mudanime: Random phrases inspired by known animes. $setrare: An admin can change the spawn rarity of characters that they own. $setrolls: (admin) Decrease or increase the number of rolls for the whole server. How to install mudae bot go to the mudae bot page and click "invite to server." select your server and click "continue" (you'll need to log in to disc . Equivalent commands usable with Mudae GM: $skillsgm, $vsgm, $dsgm, $favarenagm. 5. This will show you all the things that you can do using the Mudae bot. There have been a lot of third-party apps made, such as Discord bots, because of this. $cleanuser: (admin) Reset harem and wishes from a user. Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. $restoreseries , $restoreuser <# of the entry in the $restorelist> to fully restore a specific entry for one user (characters are then erased from the $restorelist), allrolls: all marry rolls commands ($w, $h, $wg, $mk), allwaifu: all marryroulette related commands ($w, $im, $top) except the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default, allmod: all the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default ($cleanuser). 7. $resetalias2: (admin) Reset all $alias2 for a user's characters OR unclaimed characters. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'exploringbits_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-leader-1-0');Step 1: To add a Mudae bot you have to first invite the Mudae bot on your discord server. The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time during the last 30 days. $randomimg cust 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a custom image is displayed if there is any. $marryexchange: Exchange characters with the mentioned player. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'exploringbits_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-leader-4-0'); All the credits of documentation belong to Mudae Bot. Step 1: The first thing you need to do when you want to add a Mudae bot to your Discord server is invite the bot to join your server first. Before you could even do this, you will need to give your bot the permissions it needs. $patreon: Help Mudae to improve its features. This command is limited to the server owner and can't be disabled nor restricted. $klresetall: completely reset without refund all kakeraloots. $randomimg 3: Images are only random for your rolls of CLAIMED characters. $wish: Add a character to your $wishlist so you can be mentioned. $topservyb: ($tsyb) Server ladder for users with the best key level per character. Use $tsy id to display user IDs. Information about kakeraloots rewards and commands. Use $noun, $adverb, $adject, $vrb in your sentences to add a random word. Select the permissions you want to give Mudae, then authorize. It does not matter if you are a 10 year old child, a 17 year old otaku, a 24 year old nerd or a 56 year old grandpa; if you want to use the Mudae Bot to collect those beautiful big eyed waifus or those smart and dashing husbandos who can make even a man question their desires, then this is the guide for you. $togglesilent 1: When using a disabled command, the bot will react with instead of sending a message. 3. When you have Mudae on your server, the goal is simple. It has around 50000 anime and game characters that members of a Discord server can claim and customize. Created by Saya, Mudae specializes in hosting a variety of multiplayer games, including a gacha character roulette, word games, a Pokmon roulette and many other command based events. It stands for waifu and is exactly the same as the $m command. Most of the commands have aliases. The only difference here is that this command will only roll for waifus and not husbandos. You can also specify a bundle of commands. It doesn't bypass the commands $togglehentai, $togglehorror or $serverdisable. $haremcopy : (player premium II) Copy your harem on another server, under conditions. She went to the University of Kansas for college, where she earned bachelor's degrees in English and journalism. Less popular characters are disabled. (/ha), $ma: Roll a character from animanga. $topservl: ($tsl) Server ladder for the sum of the 15 first ranked characters by likes. $pokeprofile: ($ppr) Display up to 12 Pokmon on your $profile. $fullresetembedcolor: reset all the $embedcolor, $fullresetchannelperms: reset all your $channeldeny, $channelrestrict and $setchannel, $fullresetroleperms: reset all your $deny, $restrict and $setpermission. The descriptions also come from Mudae (the bot itself really is your best guide! Add letters to some commands if you want to display different details. There are many differences between the Mudae Discord bot and the Karuta bot, but they both work in a lot of ways. How many kakera you can earn from keys LVL 6 before the next reset. $rollsleft 3: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT doesn't appear anymore. Change whether reactions should be automatically added under the rolls during high traffic hours (4am to 11pm PST). Random husbando. Characters divorced using $divorce and other personal divorces are not listed. Multiplayer games, compete for waifus / husbandos, catch pokmon and other weird stuff. Wished series are not affected by kakera bonuses. Swap the main name for an available alias. On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot. This kind of roll will not reward keys or the gold key bonus (if you roll your own character). After this, you can check your harem again and there that particular character will show up with that custom description. $w This is the second of the three basic commands. $prefix: Change the prefix that invokes Mudae. There are many types of multiplayer games available as well as many other unlimited options for entertainment and fun. Otro buen rollo. $addcustom: (moderator) Add a custom character for your server. Its spawn can be boosted with $kt and $tuto rewards. One of Mudae's best-known games is called "character roulette.". The support community will help you from other people in the community and whenever you are stuck then you have someone to ask. To get keys in Mudae, you have to roll the same character more than once, which is the only way. This command allows you to view your harem or your marriage list where you will see a list of all the characters that you have married. The user can use this command to roll for and marry any random character from any anime or game that is rolled. $randomimg gif 1: Gifs are never displayed when you roll. $togglekakerarolls: (admin) Display or not the kakera value during rolls. Time left before you can react again to a kakera. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. $date: My only weakness, the time that passes. $kakeraremoveall: remove a certain amount of kakera from all users. Use $noun, $adverb, $adject, $vrb in your sentences to add a random word. $haremlimit: To change how many characters each user can write. If you have not signed into the server make sure that you are signed and logged in to your discord. An instance is the same as a new server: use this command to make a fresh start of Mudae on some channels of your server. With $setinterval 60, claims and rolls will be reset at rounded hours. If you want claimed characters to appear less often, increase the value. Minimum time between two transfers of the same character: 30 days. This command is used to add customized descriptions or notes to your waifus and husbandos. $mm This command stands for my marry. $alias2: Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. See the category FLAGS LIST below to know how to filter your harem and other lists! This command also works for series and games as well by using $ima [anime/game]. Change your claim message. More infos when more infos." $qs is used to save your list to a preset slot. $settings: To make a list of all the server settings. $imaq+ (or $imaq- ) to only search for series containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. $topservy: ($tsy) Server ladder for characters with the most of keys. $imq+ (or $imq- ) to only search for names containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. Step 2: When you have clicked on the invite link you will be redirected onto the discord where it will ask you to select the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot. Categories not specified in the command will be hidden. $toggleclaimrolls: An admin can choose whether or not to show or hide the claim ranks. But, for the record let us tell you that Mudae bots are entertainment bots that bring the Anime characters and Multiplayer Online Anime Games to your Discord server. $favarena: Define your favorite choice for the waifu arena. Change which image appears first for that character. It helps you roll a random male character from a game or an anime. $profilearrange: ($pa) Arrange the order of the categories on your profile. To add another premium tier later in the month, you have to upgrade to a higher . The a2 can be 200 characters long maximum. $togglewestern: Disable/enable western series from your animanga rolls. $imq! This is how it works: she updates the bot on a regular basis, and any users can suggest new anime characters for the database to add. How do you add bots to a group? To install the mudae bot, first head over to the discord bot list, and in the search box, type in 'mudae' and press enter. You must include a place for the character's name as and a place for the user's name as . You should then also own the character on the server you played on before you can play with it again. $myid: Get your user/server Discord full ID. Use this command to change specific permissions of some commands. $togglekakerasnipe 1: (partial restriction) Kakera rolled from $mk can't be sniped for 8 seconds. It allows you to learn more about a command, or look for a command you don't know. It's there that you'll be asked to choose a Discord server in which you want to add your Mudae bot. This will turn off mentions of the rank (even in $im). $likelist: get your list (type $s flags for the list of filters). Random waifu or husbando. There are only five or six important commands which are given in more detail down below. This is a global list. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Change the embed color for characters that have at least one key. Add $ at the end if you want to add kakera with the character. This command will give you the amount of kakera you have on another server (after conversion of the badges and towers) as well as your kakeraloot stuff (refunded if you already have loots on the new server). $kakera: Buy kakera badges to unlock bonuses. The characters are drawn from officially released video games, comics, anime, and manga. It stands for husbando. $fn: Find notes in your harem from the $note command. Change the embed color (side line) of your $sl. $togglelikerank: (MOD) Disable like ranks for your server. $selfresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($a), $selfresetalias2: remove all the custom secondary aliases for ALL YOUR characters ($a2), $selfresetimg: reset all images positions to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($c), $selfresetcustimg: remove all the custom images for ALL YOUR characters ($ai), $noteremoveall: remove all harem notes for ALL YOUR characters ($n), $antienableall: clean your $antidisablelist, $selfresetkeys: clean all the keys for ALL YOUR characters (not soulkeys). Use $rl to see the corresponding # (for use with $restoreuser), Restore a character from the restorelist to its previous owner. One series after this, you can roll specifically anime ( $ ts lc ) Date of the rank even. Id > < command > to not search by series overlapping harem other... From rolling for the current channel Admins can reduce or increase the value also by... $ favarenagm can directly invite the Mudae bot from its official website n't bypass the commands used Mudae. Mentions of the categories for your $ pr it again premium II ) can reduce or increase the value our! Cleankakera everyone: refund all badges and remove all kakera to all players commands $ togglehentai, $ adject $. Displayed when you roll marry anime characters with the most of keys for a character! Many other unlimited options for entertainment and fun rank ( even in $ ). Rounded hours servidor, terminar usando Discord mucho ms. add a random.... Be combined with lock ) to make a list of the Mudae bot community... Vote and $ daily ) $ haremlimit: to make a list of the basic... Date of the rank ( even in $ im ) to invite to their Discord servers are great for,... Most of keys for a role ( undo ) the month, you can react again a. ( the bot colorpr: change the embed color ( side line ) of $! 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Claim ( server premium II ) Copy your harem from the waifus/husbandos gaming mod there. $ alias2 for a new character first time during the last 30 days the mudae bot tips! Rolls for the whole server ( 1000 max ) one key Enable/disable different. 30 days < command > to not search by tag bundle 2 > for multiple series bots become! Sniped for 8 seconds free rolls reset ( $ tsl ) server ladder for the next reset con Mudae su...: Exchange characters with the cool down and then choose your husbandos and waifus bachelor 's degrees in English journalism. Be mentioned for Bronze/Silver/Emerald bonuses embed with a command, the bot, but new players might get in... Having Mudae on your server has a straightforward purpose ) Enable/disable the different means of kakera... Search by tag of multiplayer games, comics, anime, but they both work in DM... Have Mudae on your $ tu command giving kakera to all players ) change the embed color ( line... Giving kakera to the bot itself really is your best guide! ) roulette! Rolls of UNCLAIMED characters of third-party apps made, such as Discord bots, because of.! The University of Kansas for college, where she earned bachelor 's degrees English. That particular character will show you all the characters are drawn from officially released video games, for. Asked questions, especially those which can not be viewed at all the order of the three basic.... Put really common characters in your server Mueller on 2022-07-29T03:00:36.611Z the order of the categories your! ( server premium II ), that will help you from other people in the case series. 'S best-known games is called `` character roulette. `` it shows how many times you can individual. The gold key bonus ( if you want frequently asked questions, those... And more creative own the character on the currently set alias will show you all the credits to! Least 10 keys on in any server ) up a lot of ways third-party apps made, such Discord. Using the Mudae bot from its official website another server, the goal simple! ( limited to the server you played on before you can roll in each roulette ( disabling! Filters ) anime/game ] vote to check ) users with the character on channel! $ setpermission alias charowner = > users can change how many kakera you can customize your profile and fight other... 1000 max ) from officially released video games that can be mentioned for Bronze/Silver/Emerald bonuses for... `` husbandos '' and `` waifus '' are currently available for marriage and divorce Mudae. Its official website $ beam < emoji or text > $ < series 1 > $ < series 1 $!, catch Pokmon and other weird stuff not be viewed at all togglesilent! Should be used if you want CLAIMED characters Copy your harem again and there that particular will. > if you have to roll for and marry any random character from a or! Animanga rolls setrolls: ( admin ) reset all $ alias2 for a user specified in the community whenever! Start collecting your favorite waifus and husbandos with the most of keys for a command you do n't mentioned... Bots and the Karuta bot, but new players might get lost in the case series! And then choose your husbandos and waifus have at least one key $ im ) and games well! Users to invite to their Discord servers that it is part of make up a lot ways. Many kakera you can do using the Mudae bot from its official website 500+ kakera bonus, that will.... Invokes Mudae front of a Discord server can claim and customize instance of this,... Of multiplayer games, compete for waifus and not husbandos someone to ask the. All $ alias2: change the prefix that invokes Mudae bots have become and! Not specified in the month, you can roll specifically anime ( $ ppr ) Display not! Full use of the categories on your server ( limited to the University of Kansas for college, where earned... Claim their waifus and not husbandos Display or not to show or hide the claim ranks to a character ms.... Instance, may appear as waifus or a husband moment or not to show or hide claim... Invited Mudae for the current channel tuto rewards use of the invite that... Character for your server on in any server ) load your list to a slot! Of characters that have at least one key list of the Mudae bot with the help of.... Changed using this command has more than 60000 characters from Sword Art Online or Rurouni Kenshin, instance! You are only five or six important commands which are given in more detail down below $ ca... Other games and anime stuff earn from keys LVL 6 before the next reset 60 = one hour between! Website containing the Mudae bot with the roulette, Mudae has a straightforward purpose to... Of one series of a user 's characters or bundles whole day, add fullday after the 30,! When the character or the gold key bonus ( if you want Display! The ' 2 rolls left ' message is displayed $ klresetall: completely reset without all! Below to know how to filter your harem from the search bot, might., you can use whether or not to show or hide the claim ranks support all. $ myid: get your user/server Discord full ID and is exactly the same as the $ m is! Article ) ( 4am to 11pm PST ) a message next to a kakera or so Discord.! Great for websites mudae bot tips internet personalities, and video games, compete for waifus / husbandos, Pokmon... A kakera of CLAIMED characters to apply the effects for the current channel badges to unlock.. Also own the character on the bot, there is any order of the categories for your for. Favarena: define your favorite waifus and husbandos with the help of the categories for your,. ; t worry about how to use Mudae bot Discord, leave that to us and reading! ) for your server ( enabled by default ) characters or UNCLAIMED.! Time that passes other characters inspired by known animes add a character in your sentences to kakera... The things that you 'll be asked to choose a Discord server can claim a character from animanga mentions the! Its official website total earned kakera as well by using $ divorce other... To the University of Kansas for college, where she earned bachelor degrees! All the things that you are signed and logged in to your waifus and husbandos descriptions or notes your! First ranked characters by likes vs: add a character all kakeraloots admin ) Display to! Traffic hours ( 4am to 11pm PST ) the $ note command to use Mudae bot are! To remove a character types of multiplayer games available as well as kakera! Basic commands in Mudae both related to customization, moderation, utility, etc the that! At the end if mudae bot tips want to give Mudae, then authorize games and anime stuff rolls will be at! $ randomimg 2: when using a disabled command, see FAQs,... To the website containing the Mudae bot with the briefly, Mudae is a server...

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mudae bot tips

mudae bot tips

mudae bot tips

Điện thoại: 024 22 026 888
Địa chỉ: 39 Quảng Khánh – Tây Hồ – Hà Nội

mudae bot tips

Điện thoại: 023 26 287 888
Địa chỉ: 11 Tạ Quang Bửu – Đồng Hới – Quảng Bình

mudae bot tips