is powers whiskey catholic or protestant
It retails slightly cheaper than Jameson in the US, at $16 a bottle. That was over 40 years ago. Ill have to try a Manhattan next. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! As long as its no longer going on in the company today then enjoy. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. Have heard that Jim Beam (the new owners of the Cooley distillery) may discontinue production on contracted whiskies such as this in order to focus squarely on putting Kilbeggan up against Jameson, Bushmills & Tullamore Dew. In the mean time, the closest I can get to Ireland is my Bushmills and Guinness at night, and Kerrygold butter on toast for breakfast. We were up near Bushmills this past summer during our Ireland vacation (on our way from Belfast to The Causeway) and our Tipperary-based guide recommended not stopping there due to the companys historic treatment of Catholics. Wow, not one mention of Tullamore Dew. It is a fact that Bushmills is distilled in Northern Ireland, and Jameson hails from County Cork in the Republic. The widely-accepted Irish-American version is that Jameson is Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is Protestant whiskey. DONT EVER ask an Irish person , north or south if they are catholic or protestant because they will look at you with contempt. Yes, it is definitely misguided, even nuts, but its not a myth. Tullamore Dew, rendered in most branding as Tullamore D.E.W. Funny how these things work out, innit? Wonderful thread. There was still a lot of Catholics in Scotland. His policies were considered heavily pro-Catholic. Redbreast is my favorite but I only buy a bottle or so a year. Contrary and challenging to the end- does this not sum up the Celtic spirit, whatever its origin or leaning? Delicious! Fathers side Ulster.ancestors to America ca 1719. In Ireland theyd drink either, but rarely had enough money for more than a pint o the local beer. I will be at Ninkasis B, Thanks for having me this morning to talk about ou, Last night someone was like oh wow I didnt t, HAHAHAHA Thank you @makersmark and @whisky_in_mai_, Thank you @traveloregon for having us on the start, Over the years, people have come to associate us w, We feel like most of you who have visited our litt, Ive always been one of those people who thought,, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, Another Figoli Quinn Website (Digital Ocean). I even stayed in what was one of the hotbed cities during the troubles. Been sipping since I was a wee-lad and have tried lots of whiskey with leanings towards both Irish whiskey and Single malt Scotches. Jameson was pretty much founded in 1780 when John Jameson a Scottish guy purchased the Bow Street Distillery, which at the time was one of the biggest distilleries in Ireland. Distilling of locally grown agricultural to produce alcohol is something that is not peculiar to Ireland. Get over it and drink what you feel. And, many thanks to (nearly) all of those who offered comments. Whisky is Scotch, followed by Canada. Whiskey hasnt got a religion. Love a pleanty I grew up thinking I was half Czech and half Irish Catholic. I rag on about political whisky to those who are green only on the 17th and 18th of March.Hell, I even This is excellent. Good evening All, And let us not forget the new cask finishes of The Tyrconnell. in response to Irish whiskey is it catholic or protestant is irrelevant it is who is drinking it. After all, thats what the Jacobites were all about. @Darby OGill. Jeffrey, isnt there an expiration date to such things? Oh, by the way, John Jameson was a protestant Scottish planter in Ireland, so shouldnt you be boycotting his whiskey also? It's been going on for thousands of years across the globe. red breast is my favorite single pot still whisky!! There are some amazing ones, FYI, I will leave it at that. Corvallisbarman is half right. I am not surprised that this thread is 6 years old and still going strong. Along with a fellow sipper we have over most of the Irish brands listed here in this thread as part of a 30+ years Christmas gift exchange and tasting session. In 1989, Irish Distillers itself became a subsidiary of Pernod-Ricard following a friendly takeover. Not buying a certain brand of product because of centuries of English overlordship of Ireland is just so stupid on so many levels. Question, in the US, is Powers readily available? Father Urban has succeeded as a business operator on behalf of his monastic . I do drink whatever. There are many places in the States where old ideas hold fast including the brand of Ouisge Beatha you drink. [7], In 1871, the distillery was expanded and rebuilt in the Victorian style, becoming one of the most impressive sights in Dublin. March 17, 2016 / 1:00 PM / CBS San Francisco. Good luck and god bless Hun. The version that Im familiar with is, of course Jamison is Catholic and Bushmills is Protestant. Memories. Thats where I paused it and jumped on to google to figure out exactly what neat meant, which lead me to this article of yours: Bushmills didnt support the Black & Tans anymore than Jamesons supported the IRA! This is now a historical landmark. Bushmills, in turn, supplies the Midleton Distillery with single malt, which they use to make Tullamore DEW. Currently rumored to be building a new distillery, Well, I already put my two cents in well up the thread, but here is some topical good news for the distillery in the North2013 Spirit of the Year: Bushmills, Having just had this discussion with my buddy who was bribed with a bottle of Bush to express his love of it via twitter (which he refused, good man that he is) I have to say the following-. Last I was in Ireland, about three weeks ago, I bought two bottles at a shop for 22 each. Peter Knox hit the nail on the head in #103 & Hey Bartender is right, giving a crap about what religion founded a whiskeys distillery is about as authentically Irish as corned beefFYI: not a single Irish person I spoke to knew had ever heard of corned beef, it wasnt in the grocery stores & certainly not on any menus. wear my orange on St. Patricks Im sorry but if not drinking a brand of whiskey for some very spurious political reason, and claiming drinking Bushmills somehow condones an Irishman losing his land seems pretty idiotic to me. Catholic powers praised the killings, and the French Protestant cause saw a wave of exile and conversions. As a bartender years ago in Chicago I was told When stocking your liquor on the back of the bar. The Roman Catholic church developed its dogma based on the issues brought forth by the . Now, its important to note that the Scottish Reformation occurred in 1560, so odds are in favor of the founder of the Jameson distillery, being Scottish, was a damn Protestant. post number 66). As of 2016, Paddy is the fourth largest-selling Irish whiskey in the World. I do live in a Hicktown. Who really cares. I am Catholic and Slovak and do not care what the British have done to the Irish. Of course with these kind of things mud tends to stick and some Irish-Americans wouldnt let the facts get in the way of a good anti-British story. Whiskey is Irish, whatever brand (or religion), followed by Americans (as in bourbon whiskey etc.). In: St. Patrick's Day. No matter where it is produced. Still love it. Dont be so ignorant as to think about whether a whiskey is protestant or catholicidiot. Connemara Cask Strength is a real treat, and Greenore Single Grain is likewise enjoyable. bushmills / black bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is by far thwe superior whisky in the lower price range. And it really is an Irish American thing to take to finding out which is protestant and catholic lol. . Paddy is pretty readily available in the New York Metro Area, but Ive never seen it since I left for warmer climes. Powers Gold Label is the best-selling Irish whiskey in its native Ireland. My grandmother preferred Bushmills (on ice, with a large splash of water). Although I prefer my BUSHMILLS And not to get too specific, but given the choice, Irish Canandian Dry in the clear glass bottle (opposed to the green bottle or Finches). Have a good one. I no longer consider myself Catholic, btw. Whiskey, or "uisce beatha" in the Irish language, is an integral part of Ireland and Irish culture. Powers is a brand of Irish whiskey. But thats merely based on geography: Bushmills is from Northern Ireland (a predominantly Protestant region) and Jameson is from Cork Catholic country. Yep, this goes back to when Bushmills was still part of IDL (Irish Distillers Limited) and owned by Pernod. No one here has a soft spot in their heart for Paddys? Jameson Is Catholic and Bushmills Is Protestant. You may see the Co. Offaly whiskey grow even more now that William Grant & Sons owns it, and will be building the new distillery soon. Though I like all of the ones mentioned above more. I was raised Catholic by my mother after the parents divorced when I was three. [8] After expansion, output at the distillery rose to 700,000 gallons per annum, and by the 1880s, had reached about 900,000 gallons per annum, at which point the distillery covered over six acres of central Dublin, and had a staff of about 300 people.[3][1]. I also like Writers Tears, Bushmills and the Redbreast (12 more so than the 15). So, I figured then maybe I was Protestant Irish? ** TONIGHT!! Support the old sod. But generally, if you like it sweet, you like Jamesons products (including Redbreast, 1780, and Powers) If you like it dry, youll prefer the Busmills lineup. First published on March 17, 2016 / 1:00 PM. The truth is that great whiskey is produced in both the north and south of Ireland. Not that it really matters. Ive lost members of my family to the IRA in THIS generation. Thanks again for this essay and the add-on comments. one night. Next Post Xante Pear Liqueur (Not A Sex Toy). So, which Irish whiskey is Catholic? [4] In addition, Barnard was high in his praise for Powers whiskey, noting:[4]. Being good to people is the very best thing you can do for yourself. It resulted in the creation of a branch of Christianity called Protestantism, a name used collectively to refer to the many religious groups that separated from the Roman Catholic Church due to differences in doctrine. Whoever owns Paddys also owns one of these bigger brands and wont export to the US because they know they would cannibalize their own market share. And while the distillery had a larger proportion of Protestants than Catholics, this was down to the demographics of the area in which the town of Bushmills is situated which is largely a protestant area and the employment status reflects that. Thanks, Mike. Although, when faced with only Jameson and Bushmills, I will usually go for the Bushmills. Bushmills, on the other hand, was officially licensed in 1608 by King James I (of Bible fame) and despite of its location deep in the heart of Protestant country (and this next bit is straight from my local Bushmills rep, so take it or leave it) has a Catholic as a master distiller. Then I must be the luckiest Arab in all o Ireland!. Regards, BTW, while traveling through a Protestant section of Belfast, our tour guide (who had a joke or good story for most Irish traditions) pointed out a notorious Loyalist BarThat bar there (the Hideout)was blown up many times by the IRA during the Troubles. Then he went on to say, If youre ever down and out and ready to end it all, and cash in your chips, go in that bar there and order a double Jameson, and youll find somebody in there to help you with your problem., There is no doubt that the Irish themselves know all about the Catholic Whiskey and the Protestant Whiskey. Jameson is the Catholic Whiskey, and Bushmills is the Protestant Whiskey., I met Noel Campbell owner of Bushmills he told me it does not matter what foot you you Wear your shoe on. [1] In recent years, several single pot still variants have been relaunched under the Powers label. Redbreast was a recent taste and I liked that a lot. Class dismissed. Ive been a big fan of Jamesons for many years, first drinking it when I was younger. 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. There is whiskey, and a whiskey drinker is a whiskey drinker no matter how they take it. All of this is just silly, Ireland is totally united in the bottle. Ive never even seen a bottle of Paddys (although I havent really been making an exhaustive search). An Italian friend, when introduced to the term Uiske Beatha thought the word was bad water and now refers to it as Aqua Sporca or dirty water. Oh and Bushmills was NOT licensed to distill in 1608Thats marketing Bullshit. As for the religious differences, its always been easier for those not in the mess (in the US, England) to say and perpetuate things over that of those who have to suffer the views and manipulations of outsiders. . Car bombs, kidnappings, murders, protests, etc. is that a catholic thing? Seriously (though I actually was), I very much appreciated the original article, as I had had often wondered about that Jamesons = Catholic; Bushmills = Protestant thing. Whereas Bushmills is seen (by some) as British because it is located in Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK)and there is a political bias against it from some quarters. Yes, plenty of Irish whiskey is ordered as shots or in Pickle Backs, but it also works in a number of cocktails, including, of course, McGarry's The Dead Rabbit Irish Coffee. It wasnt an issue about who owns what. I completely understand what Matt is saying regarding religious intolerence. The root of this myth lies in the fact that Bushmills is located in the predominately Protestant and still British Northern Ireland. Never once was I presented with a this is the north, or this is Ireland like many seem to believe in the States. One happens to be located in a majority Protestant area and one located in a majority Catholic area, big deal! Colum Egan (Master Distiller of Bushmills) is himself a Catholic. The whole time I was in Dublin (or even while I was Belfast) I never once heard anyone say anything about any whiskey having a religion. I always love showing up with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the party, so Ive. Said to be the favorite of the Emerald Isle too. Tullamore Dew, Powers, Paddy, Midleton Very Rare, Green Spot, and . Love Black Bush but Jamesons Gold Reserve gets my vote as the very best Ive had. The Fair Employment Commission gave Bushmills a clean bill of health. I noticed a little uncertainty about spelling in the story. Powers Gold Label is also wonderful and dirt cheap. Powers is my number one as the every day Irish whiskey of choice. This is coming from a protestant raised irish man from the local area. It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history, resulting in millions of casualties. The Master Distiller, Colum Eagan, is indeed a Catholic himself and comes from Co. Laois in ROI. But "this couldn't be any further from the truth," says McGarry. The answer is that it depends on the distillery. Mostly only Catholics or the nonreligious drink here. 1 pint of stout and a halfun of Jameson.. The truth of the matter is, the age-old faux-pas of ordering Bushmills for fear of supporting English aggression and offending the Republic of Ireland is about as Irish as corned beef which is to say, not very Irish at all but rather Irish-American (Sorry, kids, corned beef is a Jewish invention). Ive been to the area that Bush Mills in manufactured and its total UFV territory. Today in Trader Joes, the checker looked at my bottle of Bushmills and then at me and asked, Catholic or Protestant? I had never heard that one before. It is true to say it is an almost exclusively Protestant village, but otherwise it is a quiet rural area on a picturesque coastline, visited annually by thousands of tourists from both side of the divide. Prom_STar 9 yr. ago The date 1608 listed all over the Bushmills bottle is not only the date The King of England allowed distilling to take place in Northern Ireland it is also the date the plantation of Ulster began. I find it to be a littlethick? @Rob: my scotch comment was tongue-in-cheek. and IRELAND vs SCOTLAND!! I live in a small town in Texas, I am Catholic and I am treated as if I am a leper. Also, your giving Prince Harry more money to go on vacation, maybe Vegas again perhaps? By far the biggest of this selection. Holy moly, Bushmills is very proud of its long Irish heritage and yes its head distiller is catholic but if someone wants to boycott this whiskey, not for taste, but simply because it is situated in an area populated mainly by Protestants then they are the one with the problem. If you want to support Ireland, go and visit and maybe read a few history books and hopefully realise that most normal people dont give a toss about religious leanings. Previous Post Elements Eight Rum neat, I take Jameson if Bushmills is not available. Yes it is a bit heavier than most Irish whiskey, but I appreciate the depth and nuanced flavors. Though it is good to remember that Bushmills & Jameson were selling about even worldwide up until the mid/late 1990s, before Pernod decided to put all of its eggs in the Jameson basket. In my opinion, its one of the blandest, albeit smoothest, whiskeys Ive tasted. Besides, Id have to prove I can fill a job where the company cant find a local. Is Jameson, Bushmills Really Catholic Versus Protestant Whiskey? Arthur Guinness was a Protestant and a Unionist. I come from the border and powers was the biggest seller by ten to one over any other whiskey,jemmy was next ,bush mills was not even on the optics and it was all about their hiring practices of workers and not the religion of their owners, @jen Tulley Dew 10 Year Single Malt! He said, no, Im Catholic, but I was born and raised in the town of Bushmills! Usually King James Version. Brands! In 1966, with the Irish whiskey industry still struggling following Prohibition in the United States, the Anglo-Irish Trade War and the rise of competition from Scotch whiskey, John Power & Son joined forces with the only other remaining distillers in the Irish Republic, the Cork Distilleries Company and their Dublin rivals John Jameson & Son, to form Irish Distillers. 1 line was bottling Bushmills. Interesting and often amusing reading of so many perspectives. Ive worked my way through nearly all the brands mentioned here and yet consistently return to my beloved Jameson 12 neat. Most of those comments are from Americans who watch a lot of television, Im afraid. In side-by-side STEEL CAGES!! Nuts. If they do in fact have a Catholic Master Distiller, he is probably just the token worker. As a proud Corkonian, I feel the need to set the record straight. Jameson was a Dublin Whidkey but it was Protestant. There were licenses to distill granted in and around the Bushmills area in 1608. I got into Powers through my wife, ans she learned of it from Shane MacGowan(s music). It all comes down to politics in the grand scheme of things, be you Yank or Paddy. Powers is good and inexpensive but 2 Gingers is better then them all and reasonably priced!!! Bushmills released a statement saying:Its just one of the outrageous statements put about in an attempt to blacken our name. The new distillery opened in 1975, and a year later, production ceased at John's Lane Distillery and began anew in Cork,[1] with Powers Gold Label and many other Irish whiskeys reformulated from single pot stills whiskeys to blends. In return, Bushmills receives grain whiskey from both Midleton & Cooley. Beaumont Funny, I thought of addressing that as I was wrapping up the post, but then thought, Nah, the chuckleheads who read this website arent smart enough to draw that conclusion. Guess I was wrong. Whiskey and Cocktails Uisce Beatha or Water of Life has been distilled in Ireland for many centuries and possibly even for millennia. The waitress stared at me, and said in her thick brogue, This is an IRISH pub. I looked at her and said, okay, Ill have a Harp. Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense. Powers gold label is absolute shit. I agree with Robert McHardy above. A great whiskey. Mmmm..Middleton distillery. Bushmills is produced from 100% malted barley and grain whiskey (which it receives from the Midleton Distillery in Co. Cork where Jameson is made). Funny, I also sought some info from a Bushmills rep when this controversy came up around St. Pattys day! Bushmills on one end, Jamesons on the other. And as you can check from the email address I come from Finland, a protestant country. They also bottle Powers & Paddys as well. Argument ended.. Jameson is the Catholic whiskey, Bushmills is the Protestant one, despite the efforts of the Bushmills PR department to spin it otherwise. In particular the 1951 offering of which Ive never tasted its superior. TRIPLE SEC, 2 shots of BUSHMILLS, Over and out. Tullamore Dew is aged in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry cask type, whereas Jameson is aged in oak barrels. Heres the real question why does everyone insist on handing us shots of jameson late night in colorado? If you guys can get your hands on Kilbeggan, it will not disappointI only recently discovered it and thought Id share. @Darby )Gill: What a load of nonsense! Stick to the booze recommendations, the mixed drink recipes, and the things you have first-hand experience with. I can see you have been horribly scared by the conflict. Irish whiskeys obtain much of their flavor and color from the coating left inside the barrel from the bourbon aging process. Not one of ya mentions Knappogue Castle. Why even Arthur Guinness was a prod. I should have thought of other whisk(e)y cocktails when typing that last thought. But until 2005 BOTH distilleries were owned by Pernod-Ricard. Michael Collins is a newcomer to the market place. Irish for the whiskey Hes either the only Irishman who believes this or some in this thread are misinformed. It may not be factual, verified, or correct, but definitely true. Jameson Irish Whiskey is produced in Midleton, Ireland, though the original home of the brand is in Dublin. Redbreast is wonderful, but spendy. [1][2] A gold label adorned each bottle and it was from these that the whiskey got the name Powers Gold Label. Thanks all for your comments. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A friend of mine hooked me on Jerrys Drink which is 1 part Jameson 12, 1 part Irish Mist and a quick splash of 7-up or Sprite. Catholic and Slovak-American, my personal preference is Jamesons. He said he was going to spend 90% of it on women and Irish whiskey and the other 10% he was going to waste! best bang for your buck for a sipping whisky. I wanted to explore one of t, @teremana has been my new favorite tequila since t, Happy Repeal Day! My grandfather lost friends due to the awful abuses that were brought upon the Irish in the Republic by the Englishs Black and Tans, rumor has it the original owner of Bushmills was granted the right to distill due to the fact he helped suppress the Irish in the north from uprising against the British. My mother, an Irish protestant spoke hatred against the Catholics. He was anti-Republican and his family was instrumental in organising the Orange Order in Dublin! The Thirty Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. Have an OHaras Red and a Jamison on me. Who watch a lot of television, Im afraid saw a wave of exile and conversions,,. Irish for the is powers whiskey catholic or protestant Hes either the only Irishman who believes this or some in this are. And do not care what the Jacobites were is powers whiskey catholic or protestant about raised in the grand of! Flavor and color from the local area fill a job where the company cant find a local Pattys!! 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