our lady of fatima predictions 2021


Anybody? The first and second parts of the "secret"which are here published in sequence so as to complete the documentationrefer especially to the frightening vision of hell, devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Second World War, and finally the prediction of the immense damage that Russia would do to humanity by . Nevertheless, it is not mentioned.) Have our ecclesial authorities sufficiently emphasized to their flocks that this is a day of serious prayer and penance intended as such reparation? What will, one day, also be a pleasant surprise, will be an American who knows that Edinburgh has an h on the end Im not sure if Gloria TV IS American I should check that out, but youll get my drift. Are the End Times here, as the apocalyptic prophecies of Fatima predicted? Our Ladys Immaculate Heart will then reign. Can Fatima be fulfilled without such necessary reparation? The first chastisement predicted, war, began to be fulfilled with the Second World War, and is continuing to be fulfilled through the many wars that are being fought across the world every day. Advertisement Through Russia [her conversion], grace will be given to the rest of the world. This clearly indicates that Our Lord wants the intention to be formed before the acts, but it doesnt appear to strictly stipulate exactly how. There has been much evidence to prove that the message revealed in 2000 was not complete. Recent versions of the Litany distributed by WAF have had this line expunged. I take it you meant to say and then 5 months later not 15 months. It also failed to heed the Fatima Message when it stood to gain so much from it. Fairly soon, our newsletter was being read on every continent, with requests from Catholics in some countries asking us to report on the situation in their neck of the woods as well. The Vatican announced the content of the third secret of Fatima on May 13, 2000. Sister Lucia said: And those who forget to form this intention? So, while the good have to go on a narrow path; the bad go on a broad path that leads them directly to destruction and believe me, Father, that punishment will come very soon as we depart from 2006 and will come without stopping. I read a book called False Friends of Fatima by Christopher Ferrara, and that World Apostolate of Fatima group are right up there at the top. Just keep skeptical about things said there. The Litany of Our Lady of Fatima, given an Imprimatur in the 1930s I think, had one petition in it saying: Our Lady of Fatima, preserve us from the dangers of Communism. https://endlockdowns.org/. On the back of this gibberish, nations all over the world are seeing their economies destroyed, and hundreds of millions of lives ruined. Er its not over yet. We can already see clear signs of the fulfillment of the four prophecies conveyed by Our Lady of Fatima: war, famine, persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father. So instead of Confession, Holy Communion, Rosary and a separate 15 minute meditation, if the sacraments have been denied to you, then instead of Confession, make a thorough examination of conscience and an act of perfect contrition. Gabriele Amorth had performed over 70,000 exorcisms over a span of 30 years. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Today's post is the second of our two posts on the Prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette. Darkness will then fall on us for 72 hours (3 days) and a third of humanity will survive this 72 hours of darkness and sacrifice and will begin to live in a new era. Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle. We had a discussion here before a while back, whether we have to make the intention before each thing, e.g. But before her death, she predicted . See how that works?. Only God, Our Lady and the entire court of Heaven can help us now. The Prophecies of Our Lady of Garabandal, Spain. The consecration could certainly be done in spite of these modernist lacings. Sister Lucia was right that communism would spread throughout the world. And honestly most people wouldnt even be able to comprehend the actual truth because they just wont believe it. "The third part of the message that Our Lady entrusted to the shepherds of Fatima, so that they could deliver it to the Holy Father, remains a secret today," Vigan told a Portuguese website . Dear Editor, In one of Blessed Jacintas visions, she foresaw streets crowded with starving people, and she asked Lucy: Cant you see all those highways and roads full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat?. One day he presented himself before the throne of God and asked permission to . According to a statement from the Fatima Center, we have to say, expressly, words to the effect that we are offering this confession, this Communion, this Mass, this Rosary, this meditation for the intention of making reparation for the blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/uk-government-funding-covid-vaccine-passports-just-weeks-after-saying-there-were-no-plans-for-them, Thank you for posting that Lifesitenews link This concluding statement sums up the situation facing us, perfectly, Commenting on the prospect earlier this week, political cartoonist and lockdown sceptic, Bob Moran, wrote: Health Passport. She meditated on one mystery of the Rosary each month, starting with the Annunciation, and then 15 months later ending with the Coronation of Our Lady, and then would start at the beginning again. The consecratory prayer Francis has published betrays many modernist elements. Despite Ratzinger's remarks, the mystery of Fatima and its secrets remains. No sir, me neither. 4. PETITION: Yes to reform. Word was getting around Fatima that the mysterious holy Lady was appearing to the shepherd children. Without the Holy Mother and the true devotion to Her most loving and Immaculate Heart, the Church will remain an empty, barren desert bereft of its contents by ignoring the prophecies of Fatima. He currently teaches weekly adult catechetical classes in English and Spanish, airs a weekly internet radio show, manages a website, gives monthly seminars in Mexico and the US, and publishes devotional Catholic resources. Heres more evidence (if it were needed) that the virus is being used to introduce Communism across the once free-world. Some informed opinion out there holds to the view that Dominic read more, From the YouTube Platform Then the sun will come out. westminsterfly. So the layers of BS run a high percentage. But if all of humanity, and all the Church, and even future human aspirations are being consecrated, then how exactly does this prayer single out Russia for the role appointed it by Providence? La Salette - Thoughts on the Symbols, 2021. It is very useful. continues to deteriorate with no end in sight, we will know Heaven still awaits a proper Consecration. Do we not see the ridiculousness of that? And yet they choose some dumb excuse, some bullshit in this material world over trying to get back to the spirit, to the creator, and to beautiful earth. Doing this you will encounter strong resistance. Now His Temple is open to angels, but the Most High is in a terrible state of agony, permanent Gethsemane state, where His Sacred Heart agonises over the numerous souls on Earth soon to goto perdition!! Click on source at the end of the article on the blog at this link and note the warning from WordPress we are a WordPress site. Let us thank Our Lady of Fatima for her protection. is a traditional Dominican priest. During this approx 24.5 yrs, the Temple of the Lord in Heaven was sealed off, no angels dared to enter, due to terrible wrath of Most High. Our Ladys Message of Fatima emphasizes that Christ is King not just in the world to come, but right here, right now and in every place. Benefits will include peace throughout the world and a glorious flourishing of the Church and preaching of the Gospel to all nations. The true Faith, true worship, and true virtue, such as obedience, hold center stage in the Message of Fatima, yet these have been terribly eroded by modernism. (1846) On September 19, 1846, 174 years ago today, the Mother of God appeared to two young shepherds, Melanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud, on the heights of the mountain of La Salette in France. REMINDER - It is FIRST FRIDAY & FIRST SATURDAY this weekend! For centuries, people made their living raising sheep and other animals. Our Lady of Peace to Pedro Regis: "Humanity is contaminated with evil and my poor children pursue the paths of self-destruction. The Corruption of Children Exciting Stuff, Muslims Outraged Over Damaged Quran But Insulting Crucifix with Skeleton Figure, Just Fine. But many of the detailed descriptions of the continuing fall of man and the fall of the church have certainly played out accurately on the stage of history. This calendar has many unique features which make it a true spiritual resource, guiding our devotions on a daily basis. Our Lady of Medjugorje's yearly apparition of March 25, 1985, to Mirjana, relates to events just before the time of the Warning: "It is an upheaval of a region of the world. Its political and totalitarian, and it pretends to be objective. On October 13 Pope Francis will consecrate the world to Mary in a public ceremony before the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima flown from Portugal to Rome for . Jay Butler, CDC deputy director for infectious diseases just told the Washington Post, The bottom line is controlling the COVID-19 pandemic really is going to require controlling the silent pandemic of transmission from persons without symptoms.. And that, despite the danger of irreversible brain damage awaiting wearers down the line It couldnt be more obvious that we are living under the yoke of Communism. Planning on becoming a Protestant. Not remotely Id say the pope to follow the current pontiff assuming he is not of the same mind will definitely have much to suffer. . Evil is governing the world and is harvesting hate and resentment all over. The Catholic Church is undergoing a terrible persecution, and is attacked constantly in Her moral teaching, Her doctrine and Her members, especially by forces wishing to destroy Gods reign in souls. Most clowns are just making fear porn just like MSM does to get views. He graduated as valedictorian from the University of Texas - El Paso with a BS in Electrical Engineering in 1995, and worked in the semiconductor industry. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. When the Consecration of Russia is finally performed, the persecutions will end and we will witness the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. This is maybe not the right place for this announcement, if not Editor can move it later when shes less busy. Spend time getting back to the roots, to nature. She got it wrong again! Every evil spirit will be on the loose hurting souls who did not want to hear this message and those who do not want to regret it. I pray this rosary/offer this Mass/make this Confession, receive this Holy Communion, spend this time in meditation for the purpose of making reparation for all the blasphemies committed against Our Ladys Immaculate Heart., they were told that they must pray this consecration with all the bishops of the world on the same day. The vision of the third secret, and its commentary, is not only an alarming prophetic warning but it is also a message of great hope for the Church which is under the protection of the Mother of Jesus. Our Lord said to Sister Lucia:- My daughter, the reason is simple. We must continue to pray that Providence will seek to provide clarity soon. As a child, he lived in Bavaria for four years giving him a lifelong appreciation for traveling and the glorious heritage of our Catholic Faith. For . The climate will suddenly change, creating extreme weather. It was held back for forty years before it was shared. Today there exists enough Weapons of Mass Destruction atom bombs, neutron bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc. 5. Pedro Barbosa, a 44-year-old from the Portuguese city of Santarem, was in Fatima when former pope John Paul II visited the shrine, describing it as one of the most important moments of his life . The further information on the prophecies of Fatima provided by Father Augustine is alarming and make the reader question their own faith and beliefs. Our bureaus are located in Denver, Washington, and Rome. Middlesbrough Diocese Embraces LGBT Industry Bishop Sends Good Wishes, Medjugorje Fanatics Attack Bishop Peri calling him Satan Incarnate, Bidens Stab in Back Does Not Like The UK, Pot to Kettle: Boris Not Fit To Be PM, Matt Hancock, Liar, Should Be Sacked, Happy Feast of Our Ladys Immaculate Conception. Remember that Gods words are not a threat, but good news. No mention has been made of this devotion in the events leading up to the consecration. The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima was Real: Scientific Confirmation. CNA is a service of EWTN News. No to riots & revolution! Perhaps Im looking in the wrong place. To choose the remainder of this shit show place and the slave system being more important then being on the side of good and trying to seek the creator to have the remainder of your eternal souls being to truly be free to go about choosing to come back here if desired instead of being cycled back in not remembering anything. Chief exorcist Father Amorth: Padre Pio said that the third secret of Fatima was about a "false church" in the end times. The Fatima Prophecies predicted the whole thing as well as many other details concerning the Roman Catholic Church. all the devotions as well as Mass and Confession) is being offered for the intention of reparation for the blasphemies committed against Our Lady? Cardia said Mary has revealed to her that the COVID-19 pandemic will flare up strongly in the fall, that the current low rates of infection in Italy are a "momentary illusion" and that . Previous popes had chosen not to give the third and final prophecy to the public because they thought the condemnation of the church, described in great detail in the prophecies, cast a dark shadow over the papacy. Very, very slow at times. Sad to hear that Archbishop Tartaglia has died. In case in doubt wich countries possess these special humans, CHECK OUT WICH COUNTRIES HAVE NOT BEEN HIT BY METEORS FROM OUTER SPACE.got dat?? As I said, as long as the intention is made on the day PRIOR to ALL the acts, then I fail to see how that wouldnt fulfil the devotion. In these conversations, Mother Lucia explains, in more detail, what the future will hold for humanity if they do not repent and turn towards Christ, the Holy Mother, the rosary, prayer, and religious devotions. After Friday, this information should be collated. She is the Mother of grace, the Mother of mercy. Agreed. Theyd soon go out of business. The censorship being conducted against anyone who doesnt accept certain positions (whether the Covid or the anti-Trump narratives) is a matter of huge concern. The Pacific will be controlled by China; and, Russia will invade Europe on several fronts. It has been embedded into us all for so so long. Our Lady appeared 175 years ago at La Salette, France, September 19, 1846. The uncanny accuracy of many of the prophecies sends chills up the spine. When one rainy afternoon in the little mountain . It is obvious that some of the prophecies of Fatima have come true, while others have yet to happen. Can it be said that Fatima is fulfilled if the Third Secret remains intentionally hidden in disobedience to Our Lady? our lady of fatima prophecy Jimmy Akin Jimmy was born in Texas and grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. The new diocesan read more, Extracts below From the Athanasius of Mostar to Henryk of Medjugorje read more, The Catholics of Ireland are invited to gather, on November 26, read more, There is such blatant hypocrisy over mask-wearing And what about that read more, Comment: Originally, Fr. He currently, Andrew Cesanek earned a B.S. At this point, we only have opinion and speculation on all sides of the matter. Here is yet more proof of the unfolding chastisement of the Third Secret, the part that speaks of apostasy in the Church from the top down. Destruction from within was to be the tactic. Grace will come to Russia through the Immaculate Heart. We have sister language agencies in Kenya, Germany, Peru, Brazil, and Italy. . About 104 years ago, on this same day, May 13, 1917, in the small village of Fatima in Portugal, Lucia (9) and her cousins, Francisco (8) and his sister Jacinta (6) saw an . I cant tell you how many times I have forgotten to say that on the day, at the time, about any one of those but I find it difficult to believe that this is necessary. I mean they are not giving an accurate representation of the sun. Then she concluded: nevertheless, Our Lady has already crushed his head., Cardinal Caffarra added that speaking again with John Paul II, you could feel that the family was the core, since it has to do with the supporting pillar of creation, the truth of the relationship between man and woman, between the generations. Here, my daughter, is the reason why the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspired Me to ask for this little act of reparation. Father Augustine, who resides in Fatima, received permission from Pope Paul VI, to visit Lucia, http://stmichaelstore.com/blescan100be.html, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PAPER: Super Energy Weapons Triggering Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Other Earth Movements, Chris Ang a.k.a. Inexplicably, since I did not expect a reply, seeing as I had only asked for her prayers, I received a long letter with her signature, which is now in the archives of the Institute, the Italian cardinal said. They just cant keep their story straight. The Fatima Prophecies predicted the whole thing as well as many other details concerning the Roman Catholic Church. Tucker Carlson had a GREAT program tonight!! Im not sure I know the answer to your question, but if it was your general intention to do the First Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (why else would you be doing them?) Read Editors post above re the masking wearing thread, to which Athanasius has replied. He has extended an invitation to all bishops to offer this prayer in their own cathedrals with their presbyterate. Its a freak show, and the freaks are running it. They are misleading people who must be wondering where the period of world peace is, as you say, we must all be looking in the wrong place, LOL! As part of this free service you may receive occasional offers from us at EWTN News and EWTN. Now on a more somber note, I found this on the internet: First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. Can it be said that Fatima is fulfilled if the Communion of Reparation is not a popular devotion? The meaning of these contents is open to interpretation, but sometimes folks can get a bitcarried away. Well I have another link to provide that the UK government is planning on a trial basis The Covid Passport to show that you have been vaccinated. Following the solemn mass of May 13, 2000, in honor of the beatification of the little shepherds of Fatima, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, under the direction of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, described, in part, a prophetic vision which apparently was the third secret of Fatima. degree in Electrical Engineering from the, Brendan Young came to know Our Lady's Apostolate at a young age,, Christopher A. Ferrara earned his Baccalaureate and Juris Doctor degrees, David Martin gave up a promising career as a concert pianist in 1980 so, Eric Bermingham is an aerospace engineer by day and a creationist author, Father Albert Kallio, O.P. How much longer before we are blessed with a pope who will consecrate Russia? On May 13, 1917, Lucia dos Santos, Francisco, and Jacinta Marto were, respectively, ten, nine, and seven years old. In essence, Lucia, and the other two children, saw the same vision as St. John wrote about in his Book of Revelation the Apocalypse and the future the children describe is just as frightening. Its certainly very late, now. Thank you for your Theology for the Thoughtful. The Lady promised to come back on July 13, 1917. As far as I can see, these last few popes have been to blame for the continuaton of the spread of communism. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow Our Spirit and receive notifications of new posts by email. I really can be very slow at times. The intention behind every prayer is very important, and in this case, Our Lord and Our Lady have made the necessary intention clear. (February 15, 1926). Pope Francis Tightens the Screw on the Latin Mass: Canon Law on Good of Souls No Longer Applies. The Mass began after the Rosary. God will allow all natural phenomena such as smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, flooding, earthquakes, inclement weather, terrible disasters, and extremely cold winters as these times slowly end the Earth. To understand the set of visions and communications with which Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta were favored, we must first review Catholic doctrine on the communion of saints. Prophecies Already Fulfilled: The Four Chastisements. To observe. Cardinal Caffarra explained that Saint John Paul II had commissioned him to plan and establish the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. As for the intention question, I went to the Fatima website http://www.fatima.org, but it appears a great deal of information has been removed from there for some reason, which is a shame. It also helps us to bring to mind that we are doing the Five Saturdays for five specific offences against the Immaculate Heart. I thought Mbro was a bit more like a cheeseburger. The world was chaos in the years up to and around the visions at Fatima. Many will wish to be among the dead, as millions will lose their lives in seconds and suffer too much, new life forms will come and contribute to destruction to gain more power for themselves and thus procreate their new race., The punishments ahead of us on Earth are unimaginable, but will definitely come. Our Lady gave both of these conditions: the Consecration of Russia and the Communion of Reparation. Now lets turn to the CDC. The United States will be cornered and then bombarded and yes, even invaded by foreign troops. The war will begin against Rome, and there will be conflicts amongst religious orders. It would appear from Our Lords quote to Sister Lucia (see above) that He wants the intention to be made before the acts. Prediction of the end of WWI and a prediction of the beginning of WWII as well as a request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And then youve done the best you can under the circumstances. He replied: Yes. We offer this further elaboration that Mother Lucia gave to Father Augustine to more fully describe the prophetic images that the third secret of Fatima has revealed. Fatima is undoubtedly the most prophetic of modern apparitions. Commentators abroad tend to think Edinburgh is another form of hamburger , Id love to know the identity of the commentator who expressed him/herself to be no fan of Nicola Sturgeon. Father Augustine, who resides in Fatima, received permission from Pope Paul VI, to visit Lucia. Dont look out, dont be curious, for that will be the wrath of the Lord. 1. Watch . Notice that 1991 to 2017 is two times and half a time X 7 yrs. It centers on human concerns, fraternal unity, and an equality amongst all. The religious Carmelita Luca del Immaculate Heart, the last survivor of the three children who saw the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese town of Fatima, died at age 97 on February 14, 2005. There will be uncontrolled killings, people will kill each other, many people will suffer., The Virgin told Lucia: Go my child and tell the world what will come to pass during the years 1950 2001. Everywhere you talk about peace and security, but punishment will come with nothing that can stop it., A war without sense will provide a nuclear destruction. The three secrets of Fatima are: A vision of the souls in Hell. All of this by 2025! We are now living through the ominous vision of the third secret. After graduate school in engineering, he spent several years in a diocesan seminary and as a novice in a Cistercian monastery before earning his Masters Degree in Theology from the University of Dallas in 2003. Let us continue to pray fervently and have full confidence in Our Lady and Her promises. 86K views 2 years ago #CatholicChurch #Fatima #Bizarre In 1917 in the Portuguese town of Fatima, one of the most important events in Catholic Church history took place. Instead of Holy Communion, make a fervent Spiritual Communion. The Lenin quote fits with the quote attributed to Nikita Khrushchev that the Communists would take America without firing a single shot. Everything will be dark and a great mystical cross will appear in heaven to remind us of the price his Son paid for our redemption.. I fully agree with your post. Prayer is obviously essential Is that all we can do? He was asked about the prophecy of Sister Lucia dos Santos that speaks about the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan.. He founded the International Association of Exorcists in 1990. Therefore, in our present tribulation, we have no choice but to turn in hope to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her holy Rosary, for as She explained at Fatima, only Our Lady of the Rosary can help you.. You saw the Prodigy of the Sun, and all believers, unbelievers, farmworkers, citizens, wise, journalists, laymen, priests, all saw it also., A great punishment will fall on all humans, not today, or tomorrow, but in the second half of the century. Pope Francis cuts free and discounted rent for cardinals, Vatican managers, Bishop Paprocki pens essay imagining heretical cardinals, quoting San Diegos McElroy, Survivor of Turkey earthquake: God protected me and the Virgin Mary did not leave me, Order of cloistered nuns leaves Nicaragua after 22 years, Pro-life OB-GYNs are banned from hosting exhibit booth at medical conference. How about Becciu? It was on that day, according to Catholic. Breaking news is that Archbishop Phillip Tartaglia has passed away at age 70, aparently from Covid. It is hard to dismiss these prophecies as religious fantasy. This, obviously, makes mankinds situation much more precarious than in previous ages. Its terrifying because there is no way out, without the Russian consecration. from The Fatima Center, Fatima Not Yet Fulfilled and Still Foreboding (Part V). Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 17, 2022 / 12:02 pm (CNA). In the world, there are so many sins." 13. The Litany of Our Lady of Fatima, given an Imprimatur in the 1930's I think, had one petition in it saying: "Our Lady of Fatima, preserve us from the dangers of Communism". No matter how woke you think you may be, your not. I had already revealed it to the children Melania and Maximino, in La Salette, and today I repeat it to you because humanity sinned and trampled on the gifts God has given. In prayer and full of hope I asked Mother Mary what will become of Ukraine and whether America will be washed clean of sin and gain peace. WOW! A little over one month later, on June 24, 1981, Our Lady began to appear to six children in the communist county of Yugoslavia. How many have been fined for not wearing a mask when say shopping? It has been revealed that the Third Secret warned against the New Mass and an evil Council. In that letter we find written: The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about Marriage and the Family. Don't be afraid, she added, because whoever works for the sanctity of Marriage and the Family will always be fought against and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. This lack of compliance results in the ongoing wars that afflict the world. Perhaps because it was a generational falling away for many. It emphasizes the temporal and spiritual authority of Christ and of His Vicar on earth, the Pope. Freedom Pass. There will be conflicts between religious orders. What an irony that the World Apostolate of Fatima appear to be denying the continued existence of Communism in the world. World War I raged across the continent, and while Portuguese revolutionaries worked to separate church and state, little Lucia and her cousins were born in the parish of Fatima, where the village priest was their authority. It was attended by more than the flock of Bishop Ivan Margitych. Prior to his death in 2016, Fr. Established in 1999, Catholic Truth is a lay-led apostolate, launched for the purpose of alerting Catholics to the deepening crisis in the Church, primarily as it affects Scotland. Downing Street Parties PROVE That The Virus Fearmongering is Mere Propaganda: Wake Up! The Fatima prophecies continue to unfold before our very eyes. The truth is, the experts are starting backwards from an unexpressed premise, which is: WE WANT TO LOCK DOWN THE PLANET AND WRECK ITS ECONOMY, AS THE FIRST STEP TO CREATING A BRAND NEW WORLD OF TECHNOCRATIC CONTROL. Brothers and sisters, let us thank Our Lady of Fatima for her protection. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried by believers during a candle procession at the holy shrine of Fatima in Portugal in 2011. We will not need to fight. In the Book of Truth, Our Lady tells us more information. Is it not strange that the hierarchy disobeys Our Lady on the full disclosure of the Third Secret (a disobedience enduring since 1960), and yet would obey regarding the Consecration of Russia? We will have a period of peace. Purposely brought down. Nevertheless, an essential part of the Message of Fatima is that the purity of the doctrine of the Faith be preserved. 1. When the world is asking for peace, security, and repentant of all the evil it has done, the sudden destruction of a new Armageddon will come and they will suffer.. And what might be the likely geo-political context for that consecration? At one time, it was speculated that it was to be announced in 1960. & FIRST SATURDAY this weekend has published betrays many modernist elements most of... 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